Crystal - Countess Crystal, Gazing Crystal Seer of the ForBeadin realm
Audrey - Lady Audrey, Nahani Warrior Woman Crone of the Wolf Pack in the Snow belt of the ForBeadin realm
Liz - Baronessa Alces Alces, Wild Realm of the North Urban Population area of the ForBeadin realm
Aim - Goddess of the Starseekers of the ForBeadin realm
Nikia - Queen of the Cosmos (a small parsonage near the Southwest border of the realm) of the ForBeadin realm
Annie - Duchess of the Western Realm and Goddess of Family and Peace of the ForBeadin realm
Sharon - Warrior of Wire and Youthful Crone of Copper of the ForBeadin realm
Kat - Baronessa Midnight Kat of the ForBeadin realm
Sharon - Multi-named/personality(?) Bar Belly Dancin' Ileea Karima from a duchy north of the border of the ForBeadin Realm
The one for Miki, which is sad because Miki passed away the spring of 2005 Miki - Her MOST Royal Highness, Queen of the World, and Empress of the Beads who doesn't do company cleaning any longer of the ForBeadin realmThese women/girls/ladies are all considered my friends, even though I haven't met all of them. I believe it's like the connection with Kevin Bacon - we have all met someone who knows someone who has met the others. Annie, Bev, Debb and Gene, Kerry, Ava, Kat, Sharon (both of you), Barb, Annette, Audrey, Crystal, Nikia - we are the Turkey Buzzard Beading babes - and I love each of you!!
I'm pleased with the way that my piece turned out - with the yellow on the left representing the sun. The blue in the top stripe is the sky, followed by brown mountains, purple flowers, green grass, blue water and dark earth. I don't even know if I was consciously making these deicisons with the color choices as I was beading, or just picking up the colors that pleased me.
I'll update with pictures of the top piece when I complete it.
I've also recently inherited a great storage system for all those little bead boxes. Old wooden slide (like from a slide projector) boxes that the hospital was going to get rid of. I was gifted with 14 of these treasures!!! I can't wait to start filling them!
I like dressing in fashionable clothes. I like people noticing that I am looking better, younger and more fashionable than I did last year. I'm wearing heels, and vee-necks, and turtlenecks have disappeared from my wardrobe. My husband loves the colors that I have started to wear. I actually have fit into clothes from my pre-husband days.
I have sold lots of my "fat" clothes on Ebay and I have used some of that money to finance a cruise to Mexico with my beading buddy, Sharon. I have given bags and bags of clothes to a weight loss buddy in Michigan. I have donated things to American Council of the Blind that needed to be moved from my closet to ANYWHERE else.
I want to loose another 50-60 pounds. If I do it in 2006, that would be awesome. If I loose another 44 pounds this year, that's just as good. But I know that I can do it.
Somewhere in this body is a skinny woman waiting to burst free!