Sparkling Cherry Wine from Traverse City, Michigan will overflow a glass if the pourer doesn't know how to pour it correctly.

Molly has a birds eye view with Diane while everyone laughs.

Very little beading was completed on Friday night. Deb, Linda and Madeline share in some stories. Although, Jeanette brought a lamp over from the Verilux company and we compared the light from it, versus the light from an Ott Light. We did finde the Verilux light to be a much cleaner - a brighter, whiter light. Now, if this company would make a light bulb that would fit in my Ott Light, I would do it. But both lamps are expensive, and I can't justify a new light when my Ott light is just two years old......

Jeanette, the president of the Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild holds Casie and Molly. I think that Jeanette is telling Molly all the good things that the guild has planned for the new year. Casie just doesn't look too excited.....
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